Punchblock Speed Drill | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #4

by | Aug 23, 2015 | Blog

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The partnered Punchblock Drill is commonly used in various Chinese martial arts such as Wing Chun and Shaolin Kung Fu to practice hand coordination, reflexes, speed and conditioning. The drill contains 2 blocks followed by a parry and punch. In a real situation, the artist would not use all 3 movements to defend against a punch, he/she would only require one. This is a drill used to effectively build solidity, speed and reflexes in blocking and counter.



– Apply constant pressure on your partner. Do not let up.

– Practice each block’s solidity and alignment before applying speed. Use the triangle theory in blocking (see next video)



Alan La created Invincible Worldwide to inspire the world to elevate their training and strive to be extraordinary in life. P3MA is not about a martial arts style. Style separates people. It is about building peak performance skills to help you become extraordinary.

Show us videos/photos of you practicing these skills on Instagram, Facebook or Youtube – tag @InvincibleWorldwide or @alanlaworldwide and use the hashtag #InvincibleAthlete.



GET YOUR TRAINING STARTED with the #1 Bestselling workout, “The 21-Minute Peak Performance Body Workout Guide”, created by Invincible Worldwide founder, Alan La, to help busy people build a high functional body!

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free at home challenge

Get started with your an Invincible training routine from the comfort of your own home.

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