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Talking Fitness, Mindset & Movement with Vanja and Alan La

Vanja –
“Humans are made to move.
You live in a physical body – it is your duty to make it perform at its peak –
Complete freedom NO limitations.
Just as you would feed your body a nutrient dense, wholesome and healthy diet, you should also do the same when it comes to movement.
A movement practice that combines a variety of wholesome ingredients that come together to develop a powerhouse of skills, optimise performance and focus on longevity for every BODY.
We build strength alongside flexibility, we prepare our bodies to jump, twist, crawl, hang, balance, push, pull and bend in as many ways as possible.
We prepare in movement so we can be ready for life.”

Need help to stay disciplined and motivated to stay on track for your training goals?

Join a community of people like you and get support on your journey to owning your body and mind! The Invincible All Access Membership gives you unlimited access to NEW challenges added each month so that you can stay motivated and unlock new levels of physical freedom, flexibility, strength, learn exciting skills and build a strong mindset! Whether you are an absolute beginner or a more experienced athlete, you will have the roadmap, support and the community to elevate yourself. Click here to learn more.

About Invincible Worldwide

Invincible Worldwide’s mission is to empower people to be physically, mentally and socially extraordinary. Alan La, founder of Invincible Worldwide is an International Sports Karate Association Hall-of-Famed Martial Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Young Australian of the Year finalist. Together with his team, they provide world-class physical and mindset training programs, seminars and performances for people all over the world.

Invincible Juniors Winter Level-UP Forms











Every Level-UP Day, the Invincible Juniors are required to perform their forms.
Forms are a great way to improve your child’s
  1. Dexterity
  2. Techniques
  3. Sharpness
  4. Memory


Practising forms is important in martial arts because:

✅ Every move in the form has specific applications.

After I execute one of these moves on an opponent, I know exactly the position he is going to be in, I know where his head should be, where his torso should be, etc. If I execute the same move with my eyes shut in a pitch black cave, I still know exactly what I have just done to him and his body position. Depending on the exact application I just used, I know whether I need to follow up with something else, and depending on his (and my) body position I know which technique I should use next.

✅ Forms trains the mind and muscle memory.

Every single move you execute in a form, you should be visualising what you are doing on your opponent. As your knowledge grows you will have more options to visualise, even back in the basic form you learnt when you were a white belt. Visualising the application of the form assists with the state of mushin, where you do not have to consciously think about your current or next move, it just flows. I will help the kids more with focusing on understanding the forms and visualization this season.

✅ Forms helps to sharpen techniques.

Years ago, I thought about a system to train all techniques within our Invincible Coaches Accreditation, called Wind-Thunder-Lightning. Wind is practising in the air, like doing forms or shadowboxing. Thunder is for power and weight application, like on shields and pads. And Lightning is for speed, reflexes, distancing and timing.

✅ You don’t use all the moves in a form one after the other until the opponent falls over.

When in a fight you can use moves 2 and 10 from the form provided you have sufficient understanding of it to do so, you don’t have to start at move 1 and progress in the exact sequence.
*Only White Levels and above are required to know their forms.

About Invincible Worldwide

Invincible Worldwide’s mission is to empower people to be physically, mentally and socially extraordinary. Alan La, founder of Invincible Worldwide is an International Sports Karate Association Hall-of-Famed Martial Artist, #1 Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Young Australian of the Year finalist. Together with his team, they provide world-class physical and mindset training programs, seminars and performances for people all over the world.

How to Overcome Self-Doubt

Everyone feels self-doubt at least every once in a while. However, high achievers overcome their self-doubt, while low achievers wallow in it and allow their self-doubt to prevent them from achieving their goals.

Self-doubt sounds like the following:

“I’m not sure I can do this.”
“What if I fail?”
“What if I just don’t have what it takes?”

Fortunately, there are ways of conquering those doubts, so that they don’t hold you back. Below you’ll find eight ways to overcome self-doubt.

1. Beware of Naysayers.

Self-doubt comes from one of two sources, from other people—also known as naysayers–or from your own negative inner chatter.

Let’s start with the naysayers. They’re the people who are constantly telling you things like the following:
“That’s too hard; there’s no way you’ll succeed. Don’t even try.”
“That doesn’t sound safe.”
“You’re too old to try that. Remember, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”
“What if you fail? You’ll never be able to live it down”

The motivation behind these comments could be any of the following:
They may be trying to keep you from getting hurt, albeit in a misguided way. If this is the case, explain to them how you’ve prepared yourself for the challenge that lies ahead, and reassure them that you’ll be fine.
They’re reflecting their own doubts about themselves onto you. Don’t adopt other people’s doubts as your own. Instead, tell those people: “I’m sorry if that’s how you see yourself, but that’s not how I see myself.”
They may be jealous that you’re trying something new, while they’re too scared to change. Move away from these people as fast as you can.
Deal with naysayers so that they stop feeding your self-doubt.

2. Challenge the Negative Chatter in Your Head.

The second source of self-doubt is your own negative inner chatter. The best way to quiet the negative chatter in your head is to present evidence against anything it’s saying. Here are some examples of possible responses:
“What are you saying? That I’m too old. There’s a British man named Fauja Singh who ran a marathon at the age of 100! I still have time.”
“I understand that it’s going to be hard. But this is important to me, and I’m willing to do the necessary work.”

3. Shrink the Challenge.

It’s easy to doubt yourself when the challenge that you’re facing is very large. Therefore, you can decrease your self-doubt by making the challenge smaller.

4. Ask – What’s the Worst that Could Happen?

Another way to overcome your self-doubt is to come up with the worst case scenario. If you fail, what’s the worst thing that could happen? Then, ask yourself the following:
Is it really that bad?
What steps can I take to lessen the probability that the worst case scenario will come to pass?
What can I do to be prepared in case the worst does happen? What sort of “insurance” could I set up in order to protect myself?

5. Ask – What’s the Best that Could Happen?

If you go after your dreams, you might fail. But you might also succeed. What would that look like? Paint a vivid picture of what your life would be like if you achieved your goal. Whenever you feel self-doubt rearing its ugly head, pull up that image of yourself succeeding and achieving your goal.
Overcome self-doubt by keeping your eye on the prize.

6. Take the Focus Off of Yourself.

Sometimes you feel self-doubt because you’re too focused on yourself. If that’s the case, what you need to do is shift your focus to others.
Eg. Instead of asking, “What if I bomb the presentation?”, ask yourself, “What do the people who are going to be in the audience need to know about this topic, and how I make the presentation fun and informative for them?”
See what the trick is here? If you’re not thinking about yourself, how can you doubt yourself? Put an end to self-doubt by focusing on others.

7. Share Your Goal with People You Trust.

If you share your goal with the wrong people—toxic people, people who don’t like change, or people who are just sad and miserable—they’ll probably add to any self-doubt that you may be feeling. However, sharing your goal with the right people will help you to conquer your self-doubt.
There are some people who can act as a bridge between where you are now and where you want to be. Those are the people you want to be sharing your goals and dreams with. They will help you overcome your self-doubt.
At Invincible HQ, we’ve created an environment where everyone is safe and supportive of each other. You can share your goals with the people you train with or the Invincible Coaches, and we will do the best we can to help you!

8. Walk Through Your Fear.

Self-doubt is fear: fear of failure, fear of being ridiculed, fear of disappointing others, and so on. In order to overcome self-doubt, you have to walk through your fear.


Feeling out of shape and want to kickstart your training?

Join hundreds of people like you around the world in the INVX 30-Day Kickstarter ChallengeWhether you are an absolute beginner or a more experienced athlete, the INVX Kickstarter program is designed to kickstart your training so that your body and mind feels like yours again! 

The Curriculum Catch-UP Workshop


A special training session with all the Invincible instructors to prepare you for Level-UP Day. For those not grading, for you it’s an extra awesome training session! All levels welcomed

If your child has missed out on a few weeks of training and are finding it hard to keep up, this special Workshop is designed for them!

– If your child has taken a long holiday during this season
– If your child was sick and was out of training
– If your child is struggling to keep up with the program

– Gain extra insights about the skills to refine and improve your techniques
– Get knowledgeable and clear of the curriculum
– Get specific tips to pass your grading.

WHERE: INVINCIBLE HQ – 1/30 Elizabeth St, Wetherill Park

1:30PM – 2:00PM: Lil Ninjas 4-6yrs Core – White
2:00PM – 2:30PM: Lil Ninjas 4-6yrs Yellow+
1PM – 2PM: Invincible Juniors 7-14+ Core – White
1PM – 2PM: Invincible Juniors 7-14+ Yellow, Orange, Red
2PM – 3PM: Invincible Juniors 7-14+ Purple – Black

*Times may vary depending on number of attendees. We will release a finalised time by Friday.

REGISTRATION: $35. Registration closes: Friday before the workshop.

Spots are limited!

I look forward to seeing you there!

How The Level-UP Progression Trackers Work

You may have noticed your child bringing home one of these white trackers, and you’re probably wondering what they are. 

Our goal with the 7-14+ Invincible Juniors Program is not just to teach kicks and punches or to improve their confidence.

We want to take a holistic approach which prepares them physically, mentally and socially to be extraordinary leaders in society.

To help your child stay on track towards their Level-UP, we’ve created the Invincible Juniors Holistic Development Progress Tracker!

These trackers help teach your child to take ownership for their training, and they are responsible for bringing them EVERY class. We recommend teaching them to put it in the same place every time. Eg. Their school bag, in the car, fridge.

These Progress Trackers are designed to help:

  1. YOUR CHILD: To develop self-leadership skills and learn to take responsibility for their own learning and development.
  2. PARENTS: To have a clear indication on how your child is progressing during the second half of the term and what combos they need extra practice in at home.
  3. INSTRUCTORS: To keep track of each individual child’s progress and quality.


Every Invincible Junior in the 7-13+ Program will be handed ONE of these in their class. It’s a 40 push up punishment if they lose their tracker

Each lesson focuses on at least one of these and if your child performs the combo/skill/mentality with quality, our Coaches will sign the box.

Don’t worry if your child is a little slow in getting the boxes ticked. We want to teach them to work hard and earn their ticks.

We will also have a Curriculum Catch-UP workshop, to help kids who missed a few weeks or were on holidays during the season.

Once your child has completed all the boxes with all combos they can then exchange this tracker for a Letter of Invitation for Level-UP Day.

Thank you for being on this amazing journey with us to build extraordinary kids!

About Invincible Worldwide

Invincible Worldwide’s mission is to empower people to be physically, mentally and socially extraordinary. Alan La, founder of Invincible Worldwide is an International Sports Karate Association Hall-of-Famed Martial Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Young Australian of the Year finalist. Together with his team, they provide world-class physical and mindset training programs, seminars and performances for people all over the world. 

More specifically, Alan and his team have developed a unique award-winning Invincible Juniors program which fuses martial arts, acrobatics and leadership skills to empower young kids to be physically and mentally prepared for success in life and in school. 


For more information about the science behind our unique Invincible Juniors Academy, go to:

Everything You Need To Know For Level-UP Day


Our mission is to help the kids become physically, mentally and socially extraordinary, by developing their Strength, Skills and Mindset, so that they can be prepared for success in school and life.

Level-UP Day is a celebration day for your child’s training in The Invincible Juniors Program and it’s also a formal grading for the Invincible Kids to potentially earn their next belt.

It is based on the knowledge and skills that they have gained according to the requirements set out in the curriculum. It will test their aptitude in executing techniques and attitude developed from the Invincible Leadership Mindsets, under a high pressure environment.  

CLICK HERE for details about the next Level-UP Day


During the classes, the Invincible Coaches will be closely checking every child to see if it’s best for them to move to the next level. 
For Lil Ninjas (4-6 Years): The Invincible Coaches will be watching each child closely over the next 2 weeks, and handing out Level-UP Invitation Letters to the kids who are ready for the next level.
For Invincible Juniors (7-14+ Years): we’ve created a unique tracking system called the Invincible Juniors Holistic Development Progress Tracker. Once your child has completed their white Progression Tracker card, they can hand it in at reception to receive a Level-UP Invitation Letter.

CLICK HERE for details about how the Progression Trackers work.

Not every child will be moving up, if it’s not the right time for them. We believe in making the kids EARN their achievements, rather than giving out “participation” awards. 

If we feel they are ready for the next level, your child will receive an Invitation letter to attend the upcoming Level-UP Day.


Once your child receives a Level-UP Invitation Letter, here’s what to do:
1. Scan the QR Code 
2. Follow the prompts to register your child by the Registration Close Date (10 days before Level-UP Day)
3. One week before Level-UP Day, keep an eye out for the Facebook Group or on the same QR Code to know what time to bring your child
4. Encourage your child to practice at home to prepare for their special day!

Please remember to register by the registration close date, as we cannot accept registrations on the day because we want to have your certificates and belts ready on the day!

CLICK HERE to Register


Unlike most traditional martial arts, our gradings don’t take hours with a lot of waiting. We have created an organised, efficient system so that it’s quicker, yet we are able to focus on each child more effectively.

There will be a time schedule for each child, so you don’t have to come from the beginning of the day.

If you are registered for Level-UP Day, we will be releasing the time schedule on the week before the day, once all registrations are finalised, so that you know what time to arrive.

To make sure you don’t miss the Facebook post announcement, follow these 4 steps:


STEP 1: Go to the Facebook Group

STEP 2: Tap on the 3 dots on the top right corner

STEP 3: Go to “Manage Notifications”

STEP 4: Select “All Posts”

Here are 3 places where you can find the time schedule:

  1. You will find the Time Schedule within the Invincible Parents’ Facebook Group
  2. Via the same registration link that you used to book:
  1. We will also have a printed version on the Reception desk on the week before Level-UP Day. 


Level-UP Day is a formal event. Students must be well groomed and in FULL TRAINING UNIFORM in order to grade. This means:

  • Invincible Worldwide T-Shirt 
  • Current Belt
  • Black Pants   
  • For Boys: Hair must be well-groomed
  • For Girls: Hair must be tied back 
  • Uniform must be neat and ironed

All the best to all the kids on your Level-UP Day!!

We are so very proud of you all and can’t wait to see you showcase your progress in your journey! 🙂

About Invincible Worldwide

Invincible Worldwide’s mission is to empower people to be physically, mentally and socially extraordinary. Alan La, founder of Invincible Worldwide is an International Sports Karate Association Hall-of-Famed Martial Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Young Australian of the Year finalist. Together with his team, they provide world-class physical and mindset training programs, seminars and performances for people all over the world. 

More specifically, Alan and his team have developed a unique award-winning Invincible Juniors program which fuses martial arts, acrobatics and leadership skills to empower young kids to be physically and mentally prepared for success in life and in school. 


For more information about our unique Invincible Juniors Academy, go to:

1. 10-Level Curriculum

Build your tricks in a systemized Official Tricking Curriculum that progressively advances your skills in kicking, twisting and flipping. We also cover different variations, transitions, set ups and cheat steps. With each level, you will grade and earn an Official Invincible Worldwide Tricking Powerband.