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4 Steps To Have More Energy Everyday

When was the last time that you woke up and you felt energetic, energized, excited? When was the last time you hopped out of bed and you couldn’t wait to start your day?

Think about it, when we were kids, it was so much easier to have a abundant energy. There’s a brightness in their eyes. You can see a shine, a vibrancy and limitless energy. However, when you look at most adults, they’re always tired, fatigued or low in energy.

I noticed that I’d got to a point where I was waking up and feeling sluggish. I’d want to get up and train, but my energy levels weren’t there. I had to use a will power to do so. Willpower, as you know, is a muscle, and it can’t last long. You burn out.

Furthermore, by the end of the day, my energy levels and my focus, had completely diminished, leaving me feeling sluggish, lethargic and unmotivated.

After noticing that my energy levels were not where I wanted to be, I decided to do some research and experiments to see how I can increase my energy levels.

I wanted to find a way to manage my busy lifestyle, in a way that I can get my energy back and get my focus back so I can perform on the highest level all the time.

Energy is so everything. If you can have energy, or life force, it influences your work, it influences your training, it influences your life, your relationships, everything.

Throughout your life, there are two important resources you have to conserve. It’s not money, or any material things.

The first resource you want to conserve and not waste, is your time. Time is a commodity that you cannot take back, that you cannot control. If you lose it, that’s it.

The second resource is your life force, your chi, or your energy. In Chinese medicine, they say your chi is a finite energy, or a finite resource.

We are all born with a certain amount of life force and if you deplete that through wastage and not taking care of your health, you actually won’t have any more life force. So that by the time you’re older, you can actually have more energy and not be prone to diseases or illness.

By living healthy, by doing a couple of things differently, you can actually reserve your life force a lot more.

In this article, I’ll show you four things to do that will have a great impact in improving your energy levels.

I’ve actually tried this myself and have since incorporated them into my daily routine.

After the first thirty days, I could feel my energy levels increase, my productivity went up, and my training results went up.

Here are four things that I want you to do every single day.



First thing you should do every single morning is wake up and write down three things that you are grateful for. Physically write it out, instead of just thinking about it.

It could be anything, for example, the roof that you have over your head, the people you have in your life, the health that you have right now.

When you’re thinking about this, don’t just list it out for the sake of it. Really appreciate and feel the emotion. That’s what will make the difference. Appreciation and gratitude is what’s important, it’s a feeling.

Because when I first did this a couple of times, I was just listing it out and didn’t get much result from it. It wasn’t until I stepped back and truly felt the emotion, that I started seeing results.

So get into the habit of writing out 3 things you’re grateful for. Tomorrow, write down another three things. Then the next day, three more things. By the end of the thirty days, you’re going to have at least 90 things you’re grateful for.

Now, you will get to a point where you feel like you run out of things to be grateful for. That’s okay.

Rewrite the same things, but go deeper. For example, one of the things I’ve got on my list is that I’m grateful for the sun that shines into my window and that gives me energy.

I appreciate feel the warmth, I feel the energy, I’m grateful for that. The next day, if I run out of things to list out, I would go deeper. I would think of the sun, and how the sun gives me energy to wake up, to give energy, inspire and change people’s lives just the way the sun is doing for the entire world.

So the goal is to go deeper and deeper every day with the emotion of gratitude, until it becomes your natural state.



Your body is 70 percent water. Water is essence. Let me ask you a question, how often do you think you drink water in a day? More importantly, when you sleep, let’s say eight hours. Can you imagine going eight hours without water?

So another way to improve your health and increase energy for your day, is to drink more water before going to bed.

In the first couple of night, you will need to go to the bathroom more often, while your body adjusts. But trust that this will improve your overall energy levels. Your body will adjust and you eventually won’t need to go the bathroom after you jump into bed.

The extra water replenishes you, it keeps you hydrated for the eight hours that you are sleeping. When you wake up, your body is fresh, and it’s not dry.

Then, when you wake up, drink another extra glass of water to rehydrate your body again.



There’s a thing called a fire breath or a dragon breath. When you wake up in the morning, I want you to try three deep breaths. It’s similar to Wim Hof Method.

What you want to do is breathe in for three deep breaths into the stomach. Place your hand on your stomach and imagine a balloon. When you breathe in, the balloon expands. And as you breathe out fast, the balloon deflates, your stomach pushes back into the spine.

There are multiple counts you can experiment with to increase your energy.

One way is to breathe in slowly for 6 seconds, hold 6 seconds, then breathe out fast as if you are sighing, then hold 6 seconds. Repeat.

During our busy lives, most people breathe very shallow, usually from the nose or at most the chest. You want to practice and train yourself to start breathing from the diaphragm.

This gives you more oxygen flow around the body, while more effectively removing the carbon dioxide in your body.

When you first start doing regular deep breaths, say 30 in a row, you’ll get to a point where you start to get light headed. That’s okay. You might feel tingling in your head. This is good. It’s more oxygen floating into your head.

This breathing also has positive effects on your physical performance. For example, I tested this with my strength in finger push ups. Before the breathing exercise, I did 50 push ups. Then after 30 breaths, I moved to 75. The deep breathing gives you more oxygen around your body and you can perform on a higher level.



How often, each day when you wake up, the first thing you look at is your phone. And the last thing you see at night before bed is your phone?

Research shows that for the hour before you sleep, you shouldn’t be using your phone or any screen devices. You don’t want blue screen. You’d rather be reading or meditating, but don’t use your screen.

I’d found one hour to be very difficult, so I did half an hour. For thirty days, the half hour before bed and half hour after waking up, I had no phones, no technology. What I found is in the morning, when I wake up, I had a lot more energy. I woke up more energetic, in a better mood and feeling more motivated.


Give it a go! I’m going to set you an easy 10-day challenge. Try these 4 habits for the next 10 days. You’ll see results and you’ll keep going for the next 30 days!

I tried it out myself, and saw massive, massive difference over 30 days.

These simple habits will give you so much more energy. You will wake up with a lot of power, a lot more vibrancy, and it’s going to make a difference in everything that you do.

Let us know how you’re going in the comments below. Tag @InvincibleWorldwide and #10DayChallenge.

If you have any questions, let us know. We’re here to help you get into the zone so that you feel invincible, so you can get out there and inspire the world.



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How To Stay Motivated In Winter

Winter’s coming on strong. We get stronger. At a time when most people are getting lazy, most people are slowing down, most people are feeling mediocre or most people kind of let themselves go, we don’t do that. We rise above that. We stay on top. As Invincible athletes, we work, we stay strong.

But how do you stay motivated? How do you stay focused especially when there are so many distractions? Or when the weather’s changing, it’s getting colder and most people feel lazy?

Motivation is not something that you find. Motivation isn’t something that will hopefully drop on your lap and make you feel good. Or you don’t wake up one day and you say, I hope I’ll feel motivated today.

Motivation should not be an external source. You should not be finding motivation from outside. True motivation is from within. True motivation is generated.

As an Invincible Athlete we control ourselves, we have self-mastery and to do that we understand one thing – one critical thing. Everything you want to achieve in life, everything you want to feel – happiness, fulfillment, success, motivation, passion, has to be generated from within.

We do not wait for external circumstances. Motivation comes from within. It’s about having the Invincible Mindset.

The word “Invincible” comes from the Latin word, “invincibilis”. “Invincibilis” means you can’t be defeated. So Invincible means everyday you wake up you choose not to be defeated.

So if you wake up, if it’s cold outside, it’s raining, you don’t want to train, you’ve been defeated. So Invincible means whatever obstacles that life throws at you, you can achieve anything. You can go above and beyond because you choose not to be defeated. It’s all a choice.

Here are three strategies that will help you stay motivated and achieve your goals. Whether if you wanna be fitter this year, or you wanna achieve more skills, or you just wanna increase your lifestyle, you wanna have better lifestyle, have more energy, you just feel better about yourself.


The first step is you want to set higher standards for yourself. By raising your standards you actually shift the way you act. You own yourself, you know you’re worth something more. Your standards reflects the quality of you. Your standards will affect everything that you produce, everything that you portray to the world.

Your standards affect your actions. Your actions affect your results. By having high standards for yourself you actually affect your actions. You choose to work differently, you produce things differently, you’ll train differently, and then that affects your results.

To give you an example, let’s say it’s cold outside, you’re tired, you’re sore and you’re in bed and you feel like, oh I don’t wanna train. But if you have high standards for yourself, your actions will be different. You’ll jump out of bed, and get ready to train.

If you have low standards for yourself you’re gonna say, “You know, I can probably train another day. I can probably do it tomorrow.” Your standards affect your actions, and that affects your results. Standards heavily determine the results that you get in life.

Anthony Robbins talks about the difference between having a “must” and a “should”. If you have “must”, you do it no matter what. You have a high standard. Rain or shine whatever you saw you have a high standard for yourself, you get up and you train. If you have a low standard for yourself for you it’s a “should”.

For example, those with low standards will say things like, “Yeah I should train today, no but it’s actually cold, so I don’t want to train.”

So once you understand if your standards are high you will achieve. You’ll unlock so much more of your potential. Raise your standards in everything that you do and your quality of life will go to a whole new level.


Next thing is what we call time blocking. This idea is from great author and speaker Brendan Burchard and he talks about high performance habits and he says, “If you allow your time to be filled with randomness “you are stealing away from your greatness.”

A lot of people play their week with randomness. They might say, “Monday I’m gonna start training so I’m gonna fit in a training session in, and maybe if I can, maybe if I feel like it I’ll fit in a Wednesday, and possibly if I feel good, maybe on a Saturday morning.”

But then what happens is often on Wednesday they say, “Oh it’s cold outside, it’s raining. I’ll do it on Thursday instead.” And then when Thursday comes we get another “distraction”. Too often, we play life in a way where we allow ourselves to be random.

High performers use Time Blocks. Time Blocks are pre-planned parts of the day that cannot be moved. It’s un-negotiable. When you can create time blocks where it’s un-negotiable for you to train you’re going to achieve your goals no matter what.

Despite when everyone else gets lazy, you time block to move forward. That is the key. You set out a pre-planned time for you to train or do what is required to achieve your goals and it cannot be moved or changed, regardless of how you feel or what life throws at you.


Consistency is difficult especially in today’s world when there are too many distractions. So the best way to stay consistent is to have a system to be able to be consistent.

For example, Jerry Seinfeld, the famous comedian who produced and starred the TV show, Seinfeld, used a system that enabled him to master his craft and be a great at what he does.

He had a calendar on his wall mapped out for 30 days. And every single day he’d set a goal to write a joke. He’ll wake up and he’ll force himself to write at least a joke every single day. So if he did it on that day, he’ll give himself a big red cross, and then if he does it the next day he’ll give himself another cross, and he does it the next day, another cross, and another cross. Then eventually he’ll end up with a chain of crosses.

If you look on your wall and you see four crosses in a row of productivity, you do not want break that chain. So that’s what he did. He tricked himself, he played a game for himself so that every single day, every single day he creates a chain and he does not wanna break that chain.

Every goal can be achieved and mastered through consistency. Consistency is your key. Motivation you cannot rely on but if you have a system to have consistency you’ll achieve everything you want in your life. The idea is to create a daily chain, some kind of visual chain that you won’t want to break.

You will find a link below for you to download a Self-Mastery Tool from us. On this sheet you will be able to write down your goals, and then you have 30 days to move towards it. Move towards that goal, whether it be fitness, whether it be a push up. If you’re doing something everyday to move forward, give it a nice good cross or big tick in the boxes.

Keep it consistent and achieve a good long chain of consistency throughout the month and that way you’ll be able to achieve your goals and move forward.

DOWNLOAD HERE: The Self-Mastery Challenge


GET YOUR TRAINING STARTED with the #1 Bestselling workout, “The 21-Minute Peak Performance Body Workout Guide”, created by Invincible Worldwide founder, Alan La, to help busy people build a high functional body!

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How To Teach Your Child Kindness

(This is a long post, but it’s worth it  )

A Harvard study, ran by the Making Caring Common project, found that about 80 percent of the youth in the study said their parents were more concerned with their achievement or happiness than whether they cared for others. The kids were also three times more likely to agree that “My parents are prouder if I get good grades in my classes than if I’m a caring community member in class and school.”

We need to raise children to become caring, respectful and responsible adults. Children are not born simply good or bad. They need adults who will help them become caring, respectful, and responsible for their communities at every stage of their childhood.

Here are 5 strategies to raise moral, caring children:


Parents tend to prioritize their children’s happiness and achievements over their children’s concern for others. But children need to learn to balance their needs with the needs of others, whether it’s passing the ball to a teammate or deciding to stand up for friend who is being bullied.

Children need to hear from parents that caring for others is a top priority. A big part of that is holding children to high ethical expectations, such as honoring their commitments, even if it makes them unhappy. For example, before kids quit a sports team, band, or a friendship, we should ask them to consider their obligations to the group or the friend and encourage them to work out problems before quitting.

a) Instead of saying to your kids: “The most important thing is that you’re happy,” say “The most important thing is that you’re kind.”

b) Make sure that your older children always address others respectfully, even when they’re tired, distracted, or angry.

c) Emphasize caring when you interact with other key adults in your children’s lives. For example, ask teachers whether your children are good community members at school.


It’s never too late to become a good person, but it won’t happen on its own. Children need to practice caring for others and expressing gratitude for those who care for them and contribute to others’ lives. Studies show that people who are in the habit of expressing gratitude are more likely to be helpful, generous, compassionate, and forgiving—and they’re also more likely to be happy and healthy.

Learning to be caring is like learning to play a sport or an instrument. Daily repetition—whether it’s a helping a friend with homework, pitching in around the house, or having a classroom job—make caring second nature and develop and hone youth’s caregiving capacities. Learning gratitude similarly involves regularly practicing it.

• Don’t reward your child for every act of helpfulness, such as clearing the dinner table. We should expect our kids to help around the house, with siblings, and with neighbors and only reward uncommon acts of kindness.

• Talk to your child about caring and uncaring acts they see on television and about acts of justice and injustice they might witness or hear about in the news.

• Make gratitude a daily ritual at dinnertime, bedtime, in the car, or on the subway. Express thanks for those who contribute to us and others in large and small ways.


Almost all children care about a small circle of their families and friends. Our challenge is help our children learn to care about someone outside that circle, such as the new kid in class, someone who doesn’t speak their language, the school custodian, or someone who lives in a distant country.
Children need to learn to zoom in, by listening closely and attending to those in their immediate circle, and to zoom out, by taking in the big picture and considering the many perspectives of the people they interact with daily, including those who are vulnerable.

They also need to consider how their decisions, such as quitting a sports team or a band, can ripple out and harm various members of their communities. Especially in our more global world, children need to develop concern for people who live in very different cultures and communities than their own.

• Make sure your children are friendly and grateful with all the people in their daily lives, such as a bus driver or a waitress.

• Encourage children to care for those who are vulnerable. Give children some simple ideas for stepping into the “caring and courage zone,” like comforting a classmate who was teased.

• Use a newspaper or TV story to encourage your child to think about hardships faced by children in another country.


Children learn ethical values by watching the actions of adults they respect. They also learn values by thinking through ethical dilemmas with adults, e.g. “Should I invite a new neighbor to my birthday party when my best friend doesn’t like her?”

Being a moral role model and mentor means that we need to practice honesty, fairness, and caring ourselves. But it doesn’t mean being perfect all the time. For our children to respect and trust us, we need to acknowledge our mistakes and flaws. We also need to respect children’s thinking and listen to their perspectives, demonstrating to them how we want them to engage others.

• Model caring for others by doing community service at least once a month. Even better, do this service with your child.

• Give your child an ethical dilemma at dinner or ask your child about dilemmas they’ve faced.


Often the ability to care for others is overwhelmed by anger, shame, envy, or other negative feelings.

We need to teach children that all feelings are okay, but some ways of dealing with them are not helpful. Children need our help learning to cope with these feelings in productive ways.

Here’s a simple way to teach your kids to calm down: ask your child to stop, take a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth, and count to five.

Practice when your child is calm.

Then, when you see him/her getting upset, remind him/her about the steps and do them with him/her. After a while he/she’ll start to do it on his/her own so that he/she can express his/her feelings in a helpful and appropriate way.


About Invincible Worldwide

Invincible Worldwide’s mission is to empower people to be physically, mentally and socially extraordinary. Alan La, founder of Invincible Worldwide is an International Sports Karate Association Hall-of-Famed Martial Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Young Australian of the Year finalist. Together with his team, they provide world-class physical and mindset training programs, seminars and performances for people all over the world. 

More specifically, Alan and his team have developed a unique award-winning Invincible Juniors program which fuses martial arts, acrobatics and leadership skills to empower young kids to be physically and mentally prepared for success in life and in school. 


For more information about our unique Invincible Juniors Academy, go to:

9 Things You Should Say To Your Kids Every Day

Here are 9 things you should say to your kids every day 🙂


  1. “I love you”. Say it to them as often as you like

  2. “I like it when you.” Talk about positive aspects of their behaviour

  3. “You make me happy.” This makes them feel valuable

  4. “I’m proud of you.” They need to hear they’re doing a good job, even when it’s hard

  5. “You are special.” Let them know their uniqueness is a strength.

  6. “I trust you.” Building a foundation of trust raises an honest person.

  7. “I believe you.” Teach them how valuable they are.

  8. “I know you can do this.” Encourage them to never give up.

  9. “I am grateful for you.” Be specific, this can make their day!

Which one is your favourite? Comment below!


About Invincible Worldwide

Invincible Worldwide’s mission is to empower people to be physically, mentally and socially extraordinary. Alan La, founder of Invincible Worldwide is an International Sports Karate Association Hall-of-Famed Martial Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Young Australian of the Year finalist. Together with his team, they provide world-class physical and mindset training programs, seminars and performances for people all over the world. 

More specifically, Alan and his team have developed a unique award-winning Invincible Juniors program which fuses martial arts, acrobatics and leadership skills to empower young kids to be physically and mentally prepared for success in life and in school. 


For more information about our unique Invincible Juniors Academy, go to:

7 Ways To Teach Your Kids To Be Brave

Bravery is a tough concept these days. It seems we are also being told to be extra sensitive and aware, but rarely are we really encouraged, let alone taught, to be brave.
Courage definitely has its place though, and it is our job to help our kids develop a healthy sense of it.
Here are a few suggestions to help foster bravery in your kids:

1. Teach Them that it is Okay to be Wrong. 

So much of our fear comes from within. We don’t want to fail, look dumb, or get hurt. We need to raise our kids to be confident, and to know that giving a wrong answer or singing a wrong note will not change their worth. Show them the courage in perseverance as well as in failing until you succeed. The result is an intrinsic reward for being brave!

2. Make it Safe for Them to be Afraid. 

We can’t be brave without accepting and acknowledging fear. Kind of like good and evil…bravery does not exist without fear. Our kids need to know it is okay, and even healthy, to feel afraid. There is a healthy balance between fear that is protective versus restrictive. When they are afraid, they need to know they can come to us. Sometimes to feel safe, and sometimes just to feel afraid.

3. Back Them Up – Support them. 

When they do come to us, it is our job to give them the support, knowledge, and encouragement. Eventually, they’ll be able to “hear” us, even when we’re not with them.

4. Be Their Excuse (when needed). 

One of the biggest fears our kids deal with as they get older is not being accepted by their peers. In these situations, bravery isn’t always facing a situation. Sometimes bravery is getting out of one! Let them know that if they need an “out” it is okay to use you as an excuse. For instance, they can say “my mum would kill me if…” or pretend to get a text from you that they are in trouble and need to get home. Once they see that their friends still accept them, they will begin to learn to speak up for themselves.

5. Share a Sense of Adventure. 

Help them experience new things. Go on adventures and show them how to overcome the unexpected. The more they experience with you, the more they will be ready to experience without you. Take them hiking and boating, go different places and even just through different neighbourhoods. Read about new experiences, and try some of them. Show them the unfamiliar. If there are things that make you nervous, talk about it, and get through it together. Give them places to be brave!

6. Let Them Get Hurt

This one’s tough. Of course don’t put them in danger. The truth is, kids need to know they can get hurt and survive. In this world of trying to protect everyone from everything, it is essential for kids to know it is okay to fall or fail. They will survive it. Kids have to learn what they can handle and discover their own limits.

7. Love Them. 

Give them places where they don’t need to be brave, ever. Love them 100%. Show love 100%, and you will be amazed how easy it is for them to venture out.

In this tough world where we constantly try to protect our children, it is essential that we give them opportunities to be strong, and teach them courage. Bravery is a necessity in the world we live in. It is our job to help instill it in our kids.

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences on the subject!


About Invincible Worldwide

Invincible Worldwide’s mission is to empower people to be physically, mentally and socially extraordinary. Alan La, founder of Invincible Worldwide is an International Sports Karate Association Hall-of-Famed Martial Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Young Australian of the Year finalist. Together with his team, they provide world-class physical and mindset training programs, seminars and performances for people all over the world. 

More specifically, Alan and his team have developed a unique award-winning Invincible Juniors program which fuses martial arts, acrobatics and leadership skills to empower young kids to be physically and mentally prepared for success in life and in school. 


For more information about our unique Invincible Juniors Academy, go to:

10 Ways To Help Your Kids Stand Up To Peer Pressure

As a parent, your biggest enemy by far is negative peer pressure. Notice the word “negative.” There is such a thing as positive peer pressure – when good friends talk your child out of doing something stupid. But, negative peer pressure can destroy everything you’ve worked so hard for.

Teach your kids the 10 ways to stand up to peer pressure:

1. Eyes Like A Hawk
Constantly observe the habits and behavior of your child. Know him better than he knows himself. Abrupt changes in dress or attitude could signal trouble. Pay attention if he starts dressing differently. Possibly he will use more disrespectful language or a negative attitude. Newly-formed friendships can be at the root of the change. Children, of course, go through phases. No need to overreact at every turn. However, always have hawk-like eyes and be on top of trouble the minute it shows up.

2. Meet The Crew
Your daughter’s friends are important to her. So they should be important to you as well. That means taking a vested interest. Make her friends feel welcome in your home. Talk to them when possible. Feeding them is a good way to make that happen. Everybody talks when meals or snacks are served. Offer to drive them where they want to go. The car is another good place to start conversations. The more they talk, the more you learn.

3. Meet The Parents
Following that same theory, make an effort to know the parents of your child’s friends as well. Throw a backyard party. Invite all the children and parents as well. Do they share your same values, beliefs, and convictions? Establish an open communication. If problems arise, you will then feel more comfortable bringing it up.

4. Sleep Overs
All kids enjoy sleepovers. Generally, they have a whole lot of fun. Awesome. What else is going on? If your daughter is sleeping over at her bff’s house, how much do you really know? Are they watching movies you would not approve of? Talking about things that are new and beyond her young ears? Before allowing a sleepover, make sure you know the child and her parents. Peer pressure thrives in this environment.

5. Be The Parent
You are not his friend. You are his parent. There is a major difference. When parents strive to be their child’s friend they give up their authority and influence. [Tweet This] Of course, you want a fun and loving relationship. As long as it does not impede on your ability to have the final say. Many great parents have heard the words “I hate you” as the child storms up the staircase. It’s hurtful and hard to take. However the reply is always, “You will thank me later.”

6. Family Virtues
“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” Your family should have a set of standards that all are expected to live up to. Choose 5 -10 virtues that you consider vital. Instruct your children in them and be sure to lead by example. Make it a matter of family pride. “It doesn’t matter how the family down the street does it, this is how we do it.”

7. Opportunities To Teach
Our world today provides more than enough chances to point out good and bad behavior. We have televisions, high speed internet, and mobile phones. We are never without instant access to any type of news, sports, or entertainment. That is a whole lot of influence on everyone in the family. If you are watching a show with your son that portrays a desirable quality, point it out. If you are listening to a song with your daughter that has lyrics glorifying loose behavior, point it out. Counteract the bad influence with discussion and other options.

8. The Big Picture
People have a tendency to believe their own behavior does not affect others. We feel small in a giant world. Completely untrue. Try teaching your children to see the bigger picture. Pose questions to them such as, “What if everyone shoplifted like your classmate Dave?” “What if everybody cheated on their tests?” “How would these things affect society?” Give your kids the ability to understand how they affect the world and not just themselves. It builds wisdom and strong character.

9. Concern For Others
Children certainly can be and will be cruel. Teach empathy to your child; a concern for the feelings and well-being of others. A child who has these qualities is much less likely to follow the pack at any cost. They will understand the damage being done and stand against it. Society needs leaders who bring out the good in others and stand for justice. This starts by teaching empathy.

10. Unique Purpose
Most children who fall victim to destructive peer pressure have lower self-esteem. It’s normal to feel lost as a teenager. A group that shows acceptance and understanding is attractive. Gangs recruit young souls based solely on this knowledge. Do not let this be your child. We are all created with a unique purpose. Every single person has much to offer this world. Help your child know how much they are loved and their true identity. A child with self-confidence and moral strength is difficult to corrupt when guided with love and care.

Let us know which tip helps you the most! Leave your comments below 

About Invincible Worldwide

Invincible Worldwide’s mission is to empower people to be physically, mentally and socially extraordinary. Alan La, founder of Invincible Worldwide is an International Sports Karate Association Hall-of-Famed Martial Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Young Australian of the Year finalist. Together with his team, they provide world-class physical and mindset training programs, seminars and performances for people all over the world. 

More specifically, Alan and his team have developed a unique award-winning Invincible Juniors program which fuses martial arts, acrobatics and leadership skills to empower young kids to be physically and mentally prepared for success in life and in school. 


For more information about our unique Invincible Juniors Academy, go to:


How To Support A Bullied Child

It goes without saying that parents want to protect their children from harm, and see them develop into healthy, happy adults. It is therefore very distressing to witness the affect that bullying can have on a child.

The most important thing to remember is that with firm, immediate action, kids can be supported through a bullying situation. While individual experiences will influence the way your child is affected, in general, there are some universal steps all parents should take to support their child through bullying.

#1. Have an open conversation

If you suspect that your child is being bullied, or they have already told you of an incident, the first thing to do is have an open conversation. Try and follow these guidelines:

a) Speak in private:
Find a quiet time when you won’t be disturbed to discuss the different types of bullying (verbal, physical, emotional, cyber). Ask if they have ever experienced or witnessed any of the examples and encourage them to share details of any events with you.

b) Be patient, calm and understanding:
Do not make assumptions or interrupt. Put your feelings aside and really listen to what your child is telling you.

c) Reassure them:
Make it clear that the bullying is not their fault and praise them for being brave enough to confide in you. Assure them that now you know what is happening, together you will sort it out.

d) Give support and trust:
Explain to your child that it might be necessary to talk to the school, but promise not to take action without discussing it with them first. Openly explore the options together, and come to an agreed course of action.

#2. Teach them how to cope

Children that bully others often ‘test’ potential targets to see how they respond, and while the target is never to blame, those who appear vulnerable usually continue to be bullied. It is for this reason that alongside reporting to the school, teaching your child how to be assertive can be an effective way to help them.

We will be covering strategies in classes to help kids stand up to bullying assertively.

#3. Behaviours to avoid

It can be very overwhelming when you discover your child is facing a bullying situation. In order to respond effectively and give your child the support they need, it is important that you put aside any anger or assumptions. Please bear in mind the following:

a) Do not act aggressively:
Storming into the school or confronting the child or children involved/ or their parents and carers will be the reaction your child has been dreading, and may make the bullying situation worse.

b) Do not dismiss their experience:
Telling a child to ignore the bullies or dismissing the experience as just ‘a part of growing up’ will not stop the bullying. These messages teach them that bullying should be tolerated rather than confronted. The effects of bullying can be devastating, so it is imperative you give your child the appropriate help.

c) Do not promote retaliation:
Instructing a child to fight back can place your child in further danger, or result in the school labelling them as the problem. Refer to our advice above for positive ways your child can deal with bullying behaviour.

About Invincible Worldwide

Invincible Worldwide’s mission is to empower people to be physically, mentally and socially extraordinary. Alan La, founder of Invincible Worldwide is an International Sports Karate Association Hall-of-Famed Martial Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Young Australian of the Year finalist. Together with his team, they provide world-class physical and mindset training programs, seminars and performances for people all over the world. 

More specifically, Alan and his team have developed a unique award-winning Invincible Juniors program which fuses martial arts, acrobatics and leadership skills to empower young kids to be physically and mentally prepared for success in life and in school. 


For more information about our unique Invincible Juniors Academy, go to:

The Value Of Habits


It is something that is far more important than reaching our goals. It is the process that leads us there.

If you’re going to do something — no matter what it is — do it to the best of your ability.

Developing a good process and solid work ethic can come from everything you do, not just the one thing you’re trying to accomplish.

For example, you make the bed but wouldn’t tuck the sheets all the way in. Or you clean the house but not pull the lounge out and vacuum under. Or you complete a task to 80% of your ability and then stop when you thought it was good enough.

By cutting corners on the small things and not doing them to the best of your ability, over time you develop a habit of laziness and mediocrity.

It may seem like you’re just skimping on the unimportant stuff, or saving energy for your big tasks, but repetition makes a habit.

Eventually, you get yourself used to the idea that doing most of something is ok, and one day that mentality can cross over into the things you do care about. You’ll wonder why success eludes you, but the answer is in your process. If you do one thing lazily, you’ll do everything lazily.

Of course, there’s a difference between not cutting corners and perfectionism. Trying to make everything perfect will burn you out fast. Just give what you really know you can and avoid the easy way out, even for the little things. You’ll be much stronger for it.

In training, here are a few areas to start taking notice of your habits:

1. Warm Ups – Do you simply go through the process without thought, or do you actively engage each individual muscle?

2. The Basics – Do you do them at 80% just because it’s easy and you already know it, or do you still give 110%?

3. New Skills – When trying something new and you’re having difficulty getting it, do you give up. Or do you persist and keep trying?

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How To Do A Proper Side Kick

Struggling to get power and control in your Side Kicks?

In this video, Alan La, founder of Invincible Worldwide, shows you:

  • The most important key to a perfect side kick
  • How to apply the side kick in a self-defence
  • A exercise drill to develop strength, power and control in your side kicks

P3MA (Peak Physical Performance Martial Arts)

Alan La created Invincible Worldwide to inspire the world to elevate their training and strive to be extraordinary in life. P3MA is not about a martial arts style. Style separates people. It is about building peak performance skills to help you become extraordinary.

Show us videos/photos of you practicing these skills on social media – tag @InvincibleWorldwide or @alanlaworldwide and use the hashtag #InvincibleWorldwide.


GET YOUR TRAINING STARTED with the #1 Best-selling workout, “The 21-Minute Peak Performance Body Workout Guide”, created by #1 Best-selling author and Invincible Worldwide founder, Alan La, to help busy people build a high functional body!

CLICK HERE for more information

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3 Areas To Raise Your Standards | THE TITANS MINDSET

A motivational training video to inspire you to train on a higher level. A Titan is an individual who shatters limitations, raises the bar and plays on a whole new level in training and in life.

GET YOUR INVINCIBLE WORKOUT GUIDE: Get’s #1 Best-selling workout guide, “The 21-Minute Peak Performance Body Workout Guide”, created by Invincible Worldwide founder, Alan La, to help busy people build a highly functional body from home through the 4 main types of Strength Training!

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Here’s a challenge for you to improve control in your kicks!


– Focus on nice controlled movements throughout the figure 8, rather than a jerking motion.

– Put all your weight on your back leg, as well as the ball of you foot.

– Open up your hips towards the target and feel a stretch down your supporting leg.

P3MA (Peak Physical Performance Martial Arts)

Alan La created Invincible Worldwide to inspire the world to elevate their training and strive to be extraordinary in life. P3MA is not about a martial arts style. Style separates people. It is about building peak performance skills to help you become extraordinary.

Show us videos/photos of you practicing these skills on social media – tag @InvincibleWorldwide or @alanlaworldwide and use the hashtag #InvincibleWorldwide.


GET YOUR TRAINING STARTED with the #1 Best-selling workout, “The 21-Minute Peak Performance Body Workout Guide”, created by #1 Best-selling author and Invincible Worldwide founder, Alan La, to help busy people build a high functional body!

CLICK HERE for more information

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Here’s a challenge for you to improve your roundhouse kicks!


– Fully extend your legs and toes to build good form and muscle memory.

– Put all your weight on your back leg, as well as the ball of you foot.

– Open up your hips to enable full range of motion and power.

P3MA (Peak Physical Performance Martial Arts)

Alan La created Invincible Worldwide to inspire the world to elevate their training and strive to be extraordinary in life. P3MA is not about a martial arts style. Style separates people. It is about building peak performance skills to help you become extraordinary.

Show us videos/photos of you practicing these skills on social media – tag @InvincibleWorldwide or @alanlaworldwide and use the hashtag #InvincibleWorldwide.


GET YOUR TRAINING STARTED with the #1 Best-selling workout, “The 21-Minute Peak Performance Body Workout Guide”, created by #1 Best-selling author and Invincible Worldwide founder, Alan La, to help busy people build a high functional body!

CLICK HERE for more information